Okay. I'm here. I have not died, but just about all of my electronic devices have. It's terrible. My computer is on it's last leg of its last life. Which means if it works, I have to squeeze all of my blog stalking and pinning in as fast as possible before it dies again. This also means that I can't upload any pictures. I have not as yet figured out how to post pictures from my phone to my blog. As soon as I do, I'll get more interesting, I promise. As it is, the only way i get to post pix is onto Facebook. I'm not really comfortable posting pix of stuff I make or "alter" onto Facebook. I much prefer to be asked in person (with excitement) "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SKIRT?!?!?" or "Those shoes are bad ass. Where can I find them?" Then I get a somewhat sick satisfaction out of saying, "Oh, this? Yeah, I made it." You all need to visit. That's it. It's only been 6 years, but I feel like I'm finally starting to pull my house together (even though my Christmas tree may or may not still be up). Dear Baby Jesus smelling like Johnsons Baby Powder laying in your darling little manger with that perfect little halo: Thank you for Pinterest.
My cousin is getting married in two weeks. The wedding is in Hendersonville, and a country club. The invitations specified cocktail attire. Harumph. I will post pics of my dress. I found it in a vintage shop. I love it. It's sunshine yellow. But not so much Sunshine as IwillrockyourworldandohbythewayIlooklikeamillionbucks yellow. My accessories are all a copper/brassy color and also all vintage. My shoes are my own creation. I found a pair of nude pumps. I am, in the words of the immortal Carrie Bradshaw, "styling them up." You'll love them. That is what I've been working on today, that is what I have to say.
My brother is getting married! He's getting married out near Sacramento, CA in July. If you know anybody who needs a kidney, let me know.
I really have got to figure out how to post pics to Blogger from my phone. Any suggestions?