Friday, December 31, 2010

End of year...


My name is Caroline and I beat my New Year's Resolutions all to hell with a fire poker. Nice to meet you! As I sit back and reflect on the epic train wreck that 2010 was, I realize that I didn't keep any resolutions. As such, I've decided to be okay with it. Moving on...

I made an effort to take pictures of my glorious new pink closet. I also took pictures of the new throw pillows I made. Just because I've been quiet doesn't mean I haven't been productive. I'm just boring and only blog once a year. Anyhoo. I took pictures. I know I have a card reader here somewhere, but for the life of me, I can't find it. So pictures will have to wait another day. Or year.

A couple of weeks ago, I was staking Tricias blog again and thought that the "foofs" she made for Megans baby shower were too cute for words. I have a huge blank space above my bed that needs to be filled up with something. I thought that 3-4 foofs at varying heights would work great, especially against the dark purple wall. Let me just say ha. haha. hahahahahahaha! That was one project that did not turn out well. I've used half of a huge pack of coffee filters from Sams, and I'm probably not even halfway done. And it took forever to get that far. I took pictures of the pretty side, and of it's naked butt. Though I don't like to admit it, it will probably not get finished. Who would have thought that a 6 inch ball would take so long to cover?

And now, I'm pretty sure it is officially January 1st in Istanbul, so I think it's time to break out the bubbly and celebrate! With another bottle to celebrate New Years in my time zone, of course. Happy New Year!